First House
43 Chester Road
C W 8 1 H A
Current Status: No longer authorised
Reference Number: 447519
Website: Not Listed
Link to FCA:
First House
43 Chester Road
C W 8 1 H A
A firm with the status "No longer authorised" may have had its authorisation removed due to voluntary cancellation, failure to meet regulatory requirements, non-compliance with rules and regulations, enforcement action, failure to pay fees, or inactivity. It is important to check the FCA register or contact the FCA directly for more information about a particular firm's authorisation status and the reasons for any changes.
Such measures may include creating and regularly updating policies and procedures, providing training and education to staff, conducting risk assessments and internal audits, and monitoring customer activity. Additionally, firms should ensure they have adequate capital and liquidity to support their activities and manage risks, as well as adequate systems and controls to prevent, detect, and report financial crime. Finally, they should implement appropriate client protection measures and comply with data protection rules to protect their customers and their own reputation.
The UK financial services industry has seen a number of high-profile cases of financial mis-selling in the past, ranging from Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) to Interest Rate Hedging Products (IRHP) and Endowment mortgages. As a result, consumers have suffered losses amounting to billions of pounds in compensation. To prevent such mis-selling from happening again, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has implemented a range of measures, such as enforcement actions, compensation schemes, and new regulations aimed at increasing disclosure and transparency. Despite these efforts, the risk of mis-selling persists and requires ongoing vigilance from both regulators and the industry.
If you believe you have been mis-sold a financial product or service in the UK, contact the firm responsible for the mis-selling to start the process. If that fails, you may be eligible to escalate your claim to the Financial Ombudsman Service or Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Be sure to act promptly and seek professional advice if necessary.