Sarah has taken on an extraordinary challenge as she takes part in the grueling Transcontinental Race, becoming the first Canadian to join the ranks of this few. Representing her country amidst an international field of athletes, Sarah will be cycling self-supported across the European continent in under 14 days, and in the process hoping to inspire others to take on and conquer the seemingly impossible.
Sarah is no stranger to this type of undertaking. She has a demonstrated background in pushing her boundaries to the limits, having climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2018, and completed a self-supported Expedition across India and Mongolia last year. She was also featured in 2018’s list of ‘50 of Canada’s Most Powerful Women of Aviation and Aerospace.’
A driven and zealous competitor, Sarah will be taking on the incredible task of Cycling across Europe, where she will attempt to conquer the Route de la Transcontinental, or Transcontinental Race. Renowned for being one of the toughest endurance races in the world, Sarah will be pushing her physical and mental strength to the max in order to complete it. She will leave Belgium and then traverse a total of 4000 km, crossing 7 countries before reaching the finish line in Istanbul.
Sarah is no stranger to defying the odds and accomplishing the seemingly impossible. Through her participation in the Transcontinental Race, she continues her mission of inspiring others to ‘go outside the box’ and challenge themselves off the beaten path. Sarah is confident and excited to take on this huge challenge, and she hopes that with her participation she will be able to demonstrate that anything is possible.
Heading the mission to compete in the Transcontinental Race, Sarah is determined to move outside of her comfort zone and challenge herself, as well as the general public, to take on endeavors they wouldn’t have thought could be achievable. Her mission to showcase the power of possibility and remind others that anybody has the capacity to smash their own barriers is one that she heads bravely and confidently into.
Sarah, Canada’s first representative in the Transcontinental Race, already has a remarkable history of pushing limits to their absolute boundaries. Now, she is taking on an even more daunting challenge in her tireless quest to inspire others to pursue their passions and take on personal roadblocks. With her unyielding determination and admirable enthusiasm, Sarah is revolutionizing the power of the possible and leaving an indelible mark on the world.