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Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is one of the most iconic business figures of our time. He is the co-founder, chairman and CEO of the highly successful tech giant, Apple. With his revolutionary ideas and drive, Jobs propelled Apple to the forefront of the tech industry, turning it into one of the world’s most prolific corporations.

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California in 1955. His adoptive parents, Paul and Clara Jobs, raised him with a focus on hard work and creativity. Jobs attended Reed College but dropped out after one semester before eventually taking a job at Atari. His experience at the game console maker led him to create his own business, the computer firm Apple, which he founded in 1976 with school friend Steve Wozniak.

Apple was an instant success and Jobs became the face of the company. He was known for his bold decisions, including the launch of the Macintosh computer in 1984, the innovative design of the iPod and iPhone, and the introduction of Apple Stores across the globe. Under Jobs’ leadership, Apple developed its groundbreaking software, hardware, and devices, making it one of the most profitable enterprises in the world.

In addition to his role in Apple’s incredible success, Jobs was also renowned for his vision and passion. He was an uncompromising leader and was always pushing for ways to make Apple’s products better. Despite his prickly personality, his employees, customers, and investors all admired Jobs for his commitment to excellence and brilliance.

Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. His legacy is still evident in the success of Apple today, and his influence on the tech industry will long be remembered. His life serves as an example of the power of hard work, passion, and determination to reach success, and his success leaves a lasting impact on all of us.

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