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art world

The art world has had a rich and vibrant presence in the United Kingdom for centuries. From the works of legendary British artists to the Royal Academy of Arts and the Tate Modern, the UK has a long and varied history with fine art and artistic expression.

For those unfamiliar with the concept of the ‘art world’, it is the system of people and institutions that deals in the production and consumption of works of arts. It includes various stakeholders such as artists, galleries, auction houses, museums, curators and dealers.

Auction houses play an important role in the art world as they facilitate the buying and selling of artworks through bidding processes. Sotheby’s and Christie’s are two of the most well-known auction houses in the UK. They provide an important public platform for artwork to be viewed and bid upon by collectors.

Galleries play a critical role in facilitating the sale of artwork and in promoting upcoming artists and exhibitions. Many UK galleries are members of The Association of British Art Dealers (ABAD). This organisation helps to promote and maintain high standards in the art industry and also represents member interests.

Dealers are another important actor in the art world. They generally act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers or between galleries and collectors. Dealers have networks of contacts in the art world and are able to help advise buyers on what pieces they should begin to acquire.

Curators are responsible for organizing exhibitions and selecting the pieces of art that will be displayed. As individuals who possess an in-depth knowledge of art history and culture, curators are uniquely placed to bring important works of art to the public’s attention.

The UK art world is a vibrant and thriving universe made up of many different professionals and institutions. It facilitates the buying and selling of artworks and plays an important role in bringing together artists, collectors and audiences.

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