The Centre for Cities think tank has recently issued a report recommending that the government and mayor of London take steps to reduce the cost-barriers of commuting via public transport. The report also suggests that employers should increase their minimum expectations of the number of days that a worker is needed in the office.
Though it is the goal of many to return to offices, for those who do not yet have that opportunity, the lack of proper infrastructure in terms of transport and accommodation is an issue of paramount importance. Not only are inadequate transport links a barrier to those wanting to move to London in search of better work opportunities, but it can also limit those already living in the city who want to take advantage of more job opportunities further afield.
The lack of accessibility to efficient public transport in London not only has an economic impact on those wishing to secure and maintain full-time employment, but it also has a detrimental effect on the social and cultural fabric of the city. London is renown for the unparalleled diversity of its population and culture, but this strength is weakened when people lack the funds and connections to travel to the places they need to go.
The report has highlighted not only the need for increased access to public transport but also the importance of employers advocating for this improved access. It is of the utmost importance that employers have their employees in mind when considering the established infrastructure of public transport in the city.
The government of London should also take an active role in facilitating a more viable way of access to public transport. They need to plan for the future of their citizens, in both providing transport features that allow for adequate and cost effective means of commuting, as well as assessing the current impact this is having on citizens, and address it accordingly.
The future that we strive for requires that London setting an example of how to effectively facilitate public transport that allows its citizens to travel with ease and at an affordable rate. We should not allow the lack of infrastructure to be an obstacle and instead work together to create an environment where Londoners and those who live beyond the confines of the city can move freely and take advantage of all the opportunities they deserve.