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As the number of new homes in England continues to grow, so too does the total amount of housing stock in each area. Last year, 176,570 new homes were completed across the country, a 4.7% increase compared to the previous year (2021).

The data reveals some interesting English cities have seen the highest amount of new-builds within the last year. For instance, London saw 32,510 new homes completed, representing 18.4% of the total new-builds across England. Moreover, the highest increase year on year of new-builds came from Sheffield, which saw a 37.8% acceleration in new-builds, bringing the total number of homes to 3,360.

Analysing further, the data also shows that 36.3% of homes built within the last year did not have family accommodation availability, such as having two or more bedrooms, due to the increasing trend of single-person households in England. Considering this development, just over half (64.7%) of last year’s completed homes included family accommodation.

It’s not only new-builds that are on the rise, as England’s renovating housing market has also seen an increase in activity. Despite the ongoing pandemic, homeowners have still managed to renovate and modernise their properties in the last year. According to the research, just 6.2% of homes in the last year were either remodelled or refurbished, signifying the size of the renovation market.

In the last year, England has seen an influx of new-builds across the country, which offers a substantial benefit to the nation. With the total number of dwellings increasing each year, England can look forward to a continual rise in overall housing quality and an enduringly high level of housing stock availability.

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