Ascot Lloyd Launches Adviser Academy

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Ascot Lloyd, the leading consolidator, has announced the launch of its very own adviser academy called Pathway to IFA. The new academy is aimed at recruiting individuals who are interested in starting a career in financial planning and advice.

The move showcases Ascot Lloyd’s commitment to developing the next generation of skilled and knowledgeable financial advisers who can provide high-quality advice to their clients.

Duncan Gregory, who was appointed as head of adviser academy in August last year, will oversee the initiative. He has extensive experience in financial advice and education, having previously worked as a senior lecturer in financial planning at Manchester Metropolitan University.

The academy aims to offer a comprehensive and structured training programme, covering all aspects of financial advice including regulation, investment, protection, and pensions. Trainees will also have the opportunity to work alongside established advisers and gain practical experience in client-facing roles.

This is a significant move for Ascot Lloyd, as it seeks to expand its adviser base and ensure that it has the next generation of advisers who can deliver high-quality advice to clients. With the increasing demand for financial advice and the growing number of clients who require help with their finances, it is essential to have a pool of highly skilled and knowledgeable advisers who can provide expert guidance and support.

Ascot Lloyd’s new academy will provide trainees with an excellent opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in a supportive environment. It will also enable Ascot Lloyd to attract new talent to the industry and ensure that it has a pipeline of skilled advisers who can meet the evolving needs of its clients.

The move by Ascot Lloyd is part of a wider trend in the industry, with many firms investing in their own adviser academies to train and develop the next generation of advisers. By offering structured and comprehensive training programmes, firms can not only ensure that their advisers are highly skilled and knowledgeable, but also build a strong sense of loyalty and commitment to the firm.

Overall, the launch of Pathway to IFA by Ascot Lloyd is a positive development for the industry and underlines the importance of investing in the next generation of advisers. As the financial advice landscape continues to evolve, it is essential that firms have access to a pool of skilled and knowledgeable advisers who can deliver high-quality advice and meet the needs of their clients.

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Ascot Lloyd Launches Adviser Academy